

Welcome, mental health professionals

Thank you for your interest in referring a client to the Compeer Program. The Compeer Program is a helpful and positive adjunct in the treatment of mental illness. Compeer welcomes becoming a part of this process with your client.

Criteria for Referral to the Compeer Program Johnson County

Referrals to Compeer:

  1. Must have a primary DSM-5 diagnosis.

  2. Must be seeing a therapist for talk therapy on at least a monthly basis, not simply medication management.

  3. Must be at a point in their recovery where they can participate in the friendship and agreed upon activities.

  4. Must be able to reciprocate with a friend in terms of communication, setting and keeping meeting times and willingness to compromise, when necessary.

  5. Therapist must be willing to confer with Compeer staff and volunteers and provide support as needed for the participant.

Please review the friendship matching process description, as we have a waiting list and it is unlikely a volunteer friend will be immediately available. There are also a number of steps required for a volunteer to be ready to be a friend. It is helpful to know we do background checks and interviews with the volunteer and an interview with the referred client. Please be certain to note Step 6-therapist meeting with volunteer prior to final match.

Finally, the referral form (linked here or on the right) is below the matching procedure on the right. The referral is a Word document that you complete and send to me. The referral form requires the following steps:

  1. All information provided and entered by you, the mental health professional.

  2. Fill in all areas of the referral; the more information, the better.

  3. Make certain that both you and the client sign the last page of the document.

  4. The client also needs to sign the Waiver of Liability and it is imperative that they sign the Release of Information.

Please contact the Compeer program director with any questions you might have.